Thursday, February 17, 2011

Elements and Priciples of Design

For this project we took pictures of elements and principles of art and put them on a powerpoint along with our own definition of the element. The elements of At included: Lines, Shapes, Organic Shapes, Geometric Shapes, Space, Texture, Value and Color. The Principles of Design included: Repetition, Emphasis, Contrast, Balance, Unity, and Rhythm/Movement.

This is my picture I took for movement. I took this when I was driving down 6th St. here in Aberdeen. The lights on the cars show their movement, and I was also moving which causes the lights and signs to appear moving. I thought it was a neat perspective to see the movement from my car and of the other cars as well.

This is a picture of Maui, HI, which I took when in an airplane on our way there for Christmas. This picture shows depth by looking at the edge of the water and seeing the sand through the water. 

An extension activity for this project would be to have the students take their own pictures of space and movement and we would create a collage of space on a bullentin board and a collage of movement on a another bulletin board so the students could show off their work and learn about the two elements. 

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