Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ms. K. Jorgenson and Ms. M. Jorgenson- Clay Ornaments

The final art lesson was working with clay to make an ornament. To start the lesson, they had us draw an intracate ornament that we would make using clay. We traced this in black permanent marker, and then taped a piece of wax paper onto the top of it. We were each then given a bag of clay to work with and trace our design. To do this, we cut the tip of the plastic bag containing the clay. After tracing the design and layering the clay a few times, we were given paint to decorate our ornament with. We were told to choose either warm or cool colors to paint our ornament with and also to use either a shade or a tint. I chose to use cool colors to paint with and I also incorporated a tint using a light blue color located in the center. Our final directions were to tie a ribbon onto the top and then put our name on the back.

Extension Project: I would extend this project by having the students study the history and different uses of clay.

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