Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ms. Cronin and Ms. Eikamp- Stepping Stones

The area of art that my group was to teach about was crafts. Jackie and I thought stepping stones would be a great project to do for this area because it allows the students to be creative and also leaves them with a great memory/decoration that they can keep for many years to follow. We incorporated using a picture with our steeping stones so that they held more meaning. The picture I chose was of my mom, two sisters, and myself that was taken over new years at a wedding. I chose this picture because Mother's Day happens to be only a couple weeks away and it is a great homemade, heartfelt gift. This project would be great to do with students around a holiday so that they could give it to someone special.
Ms. Eikamp and I decided to teach the different principles of art through our stepping stone lesson. The principles we chose to work with were balance, repitition, unity, emphasis, and contrast. I chose to integrate balance through the heart around the picture and repitition on the sides of the picture into my stepping stone. My stepping stone would also be classified as part mosaic because of the random colored pieces scattered around my picture.

Extension Project: To integrate this art project with science, I would go over the different reactions taking place causing the stone to harden. We would also research the different elements in cement and different types of cement mixtures.

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