Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ms. Opsahl and Ms. Vetch- Egg Print Making

During this project, Laura and Allison taught us how to do print making using foam meat trays, paint, carving tools, and paper. To start out we were to draw an egg and design it however we’d like. Once finished, we were then to carve this design onto a foam meat tray. When that was done we were then instructed to put paint evenly over the meat tray design and stamp it onto a sheet of white paper. We were told to do 4 different colors, and we could choose from red, blue, yellow, silver, and black. I chose to do all except black and then framed mine onto a large piece of black construction paper. When framing them, we were to space them evenly and also cut off any excess white paper around each egg.

Extension Project: For an extension project, I would work with teaching students about primary and secondary colors. I would have them mix the colors themselves so that they could understand the colors that work together to make a new color. 

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