Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ms. Bruemmer and Mr. Kiefer- Scratch Art

This art activity was presented on the technique of scratch art. To start with, Nicole and Justin had us draw some type of animal on a piece of paper using a cardboard shape that they gave us. Each one of us had a different shape so none of the animals looked the same. My shape looked to me like a bunny head with ears, so I drew that along with a rabbit whole in the side of a grassy hill. After we drew this on our paper, we were then taught different techniques of scratching with a wooden utensil and a small piece of scratch film paper. We were to practice the different types of scratching that they taught us, along with the examples on the handout. Once we were ready we were then to scratch our picture onto the larger piece of scratch film paper. We were told to use a few different types of scratching on our picture as well. When we were all finished, we had to frame them on a pre-cut piece of construction paper.

Extension Project: For an extension project into research science, I would have students find some interesting information of the animal that they drew on their sketch. They would then present this information to the class. If two people happened to draw the same animal, I would have them work together to find information. 

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