Friday, April 1, 2011

Hidden Safari

For this project, we were instructed to draw an animal upside down. We did this to help us better focus on the lines and curves rather than the animal itself. At first I found this task difficult because I kept looking for my animal instead of focusing on the lines, but after a while I started to get the hang of it and it became more natural. The animal I drew was an elephant surrounded by trees and brush. We were instructed to draw the animal in a cool color and cover it with designs made by warm colors. Because we made our pictures in this order, we had to make the glasses with a red sheet of see-through paper so that we could pick out the blue color when we looked through them. At the bottom of my picture I listed 3 clues to help others guess my animal before looking at it through the glasses. Clue #1 My nose looks and acts like a hose. #2 I am large and gray. #3 I have large ears.

Extended Project: I would have my students draw an animal in red on a bulletin board covered with white paper including backgrounds. These animals would have to be in some type of order or look like what you would see on a safari. After everyone has done that, we would create designs overtop with warm colors. We would then create blue glasses to see our class safari picture.

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