Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stepping Stones Bulletin Board

For our bulletin board we decided to take pictures of all of the stepping stones instead of trying to set up a table with them on it. I think this worked out great, if not better. First we covered our bulletin board in green paper and then painted green lines on it to make it look like grass. We then cut out brown "pebbles" and sponge painted them with brown paint to give them a more textured look. The pictures we took by taking all of the stones outside and laying them in the grass. We then printed them at walmart and found that we could put a boarder around the pictures so it added more color. Our quote that we revised a little to fit our project says, "Life is full of obstacles and it's up to us to find the STEPPING STONES throughout life's rubble." We punched all of these letters out using the letter punch that can be found in Gerber. We decided to do stepping stones in black with color behind them because that was the main focal point of the quote and our project. Finally, we put a picture of all of the stepping stones in a layed in a path in the middle. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ms. K. Jorgenson and Ms. M. Jorgenson- Clay Ornaments

The final art lesson was working with clay to make an ornament. To start the lesson, they had us draw an intracate ornament that we would make using clay. We traced this in black permanent marker, and then taped a piece of wax paper onto the top of it. We were each then given a bag of clay to work with and trace our design. To do this, we cut the tip of the plastic bag containing the clay. After tracing the design and layering the clay a few times, we were given paint to decorate our ornament with. We were told to choose either warm or cool colors to paint our ornament with and also to use either a shade or a tint. I chose to use cool colors to paint with and I also incorporated a tint using a light blue color located in the center. Our final directions were to tie a ribbon onto the top and then put our name on the back.

Extension Project: I would extend this project by having the students study the history and different uses of clay.

Ms. Cronin and Ms. Eikamp- Stepping Stones

The area of art that my group was to teach about was crafts. Jackie and I thought stepping stones would be a great project to do for this area because it allows the students to be creative and also leaves them with a great memory/decoration that they can keep for many years to follow. We incorporated using a picture with our steeping stones so that they held more meaning. The picture I chose was of my mom, two sisters, and myself that was taken over new years at a wedding. I chose this picture because Mother's Day happens to be only a couple weeks away and it is a great homemade, heartfelt gift. This project would be great to do with students around a holiday so that they could give it to someone special.
Ms. Eikamp and I decided to teach the different principles of art through our stepping stone lesson. The principles we chose to work with were balance, repitition, unity, emphasis, and contrast. I chose to integrate balance through the heart around the picture and repitition on the sides of the picture into my stepping stone. My stepping stone would also be classified as part mosaic because of the random colored pieces scattered around my picture.

Extension Project: To integrate this art project with science, I would go over the different reactions taking place causing the stone to harden. We would also research the different elements in cement and different types of cement mixtures.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ms. Opsahl and Ms. Vetch- Egg Print Making

During this project, Laura and Allison taught us how to do print making using foam meat trays, paint, carving tools, and paper. To start out we were to draw an egg and design it however we’d like. Once finished, we were then to carve this design onto a foam meat tray. When that was done we were then instructed to put paint evenly over the meat tray design and stamp it onto a sheet of white paper. We were told to do 4 different colors, and we could choose from red, blue, yellow, silver, and black. I chose to do all except black and then framed mine onto a large piece of black construction paper. When framing them, we were to space them evenly and also cut off any excess white paper around each egg.

Extension Project: For an extension project, I would work with teaching students about primary and secondary colors. I would have them mix the colors themselves so that they could understand the colors that work together to make a new color. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ms. Bruemmer and Mr. Kiefer- Scratch Art

This art activity was presented on the technique of scratch art. To start with, Nicole and Justin had us draw some type of animal on a piece of paper using a cardboard shape that they gave us. Each one of us had a different shape so none of the animals looked the same. My shape looked to me like a bunny head with ears, so I drew that along with a rabbit whole in the side of a grassy hill. After we drew this on our paper, we were then taught different techniques of scratching with a wooden utensil and a small piece of scratch film paper. We were to practice the different types of scratching that they taught us, along with the examples on the handout. Once we were ready we were then to scratch our picture onto the larger piece of scratch film paper. We were told to use a few different types of scratching on our picture as well. When we were all finished, we had to frame them on a pre-cut piece of construction paper.

Extension Project: For an extension project into research science, I would have students find some interesting information of the animal that they drew on their sketch. They would then present this information to the class. If two people happened to draw the same animal, I would have them work together to find information. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ms. Katzenberger and Ms. Mammenga- Pop Art

This project was based around the famous artist Andy Warhol and his unique creation and display of pop art. Andy Warhol was known for the the different colors he used based around the same picture, but with different color schemes. He also displayed his work in four-point picture collage. The different color schemes we worked with were monochromatic, analogous, warm, and cool colors. We were put into groups of 3 and were told first to sketch an item that they had set out for us. Everyone in the group had to sketch the same item, and then choose a different color scheme for their picture. I chose the monochromatic color scheme in different tints and shades of purple (as shown above). My other two group members, Nicole and Kim, did cool and warm colors respectively (shown below). We were then told to mat our pictures on a black sheet of construction paper leaving a 1" frame around each side. My picture, I thought, was more difficult because there was only one color of purple, so I had to blend black and white in with the purple to get lighter and darker shades and tints.

Extension Project: I would have my students research other artists that were known for a specific type of art (such as Andy with Pop Art) and then present to their classmates on what they are known for. I would then have the students do a project based on that artists famous work of art. This project would be integrated into Art and History.

Ms. Anderson and Ms. Deslauries-Rainbow Fish Collage

For this project, we were instructed to make a collage fish inspired by the book " The Rainbow Fish," by Marcus Pfister. We were to free-hand draw a pattern of a fish that they gave us, but we were not aloud to trace it. We were also able to draw another type of fish if we wanted. I decorated my fish with pieces of blue, green, pink, and yellow construction paper, and then added the tin foil scales to make it resemble the "Rainbow Fish" more. To add more uniqueness and sparkle, I added sequins and glitter, which I had in my own art kit.

Extension Project: To add to this project and incorporate it into another area of the curriculum, I would have students write a story involving their unique fish. "The Rainbow Fish" story focuses of the concept of sharing and building friendship, I would have them pick an important value to them, such as family or love. This project falls under the Language Arts category.